My Beautiful Girls

I was sitting in sacrament meeting today and was really missing Carrie.

It wasn’t because I had my hands full with 4 hungry girls trying to escape to home and I was feeling a little outnumbered ;-)) … but simply church without her is never the same.  How wonderful the gospel is to focus and build the family. Sigh….

So before I get all mushy on ya I want to share a quick picture I came across tonight. It’s kind of funny because as I was in sacrament meeting and we were sitting behind the Laing family. It just so happens that they have 4 girls as well and then the next row up was the Robertson family who, you guessed it, has 4 girls as well. I think we are the only three families in the ward with 4 girls. So when I saw this picture I decided God was trying to tell me something about having so many great girls.  So enough with words, lets get to the good stuff… the picture.

My Beautiful Girls

I feel really blessed to have such a wonderful family. All girls might seem to be a little overwhelming to some but trust me when I say it’s heaven on earth! I’m not to sure what I did to get so lucky but I’m very grateful.

Carrie’s been in Las Vegas the last few days so I spent some great quality time with all 4 girls! You are the best and I love you all. See ya tomorrow Carrie!

A little blogging spring cleaning


I’ve been a little behind the last couple of months. Life got a little busy and the blog has been a little outdated.

So I’ve added all our pictures from 2008 to the blog on their cooresponding months and thought you all might like the direct link to view all the great picrtures. (I wasn’t sure if you all got emails on posts that I back posted)

Enjoy and I hope to have video coming soon!