Elder Jurgen Diaz – Lima Peru MTC


As a family we have the privilege of supporting Elder Jurgen Diaz on his mission to Lima Peru West Mission. He sent me some pictures of him at the Lima Peru MTC. He is doing Great and here is his latest letter. For those helping to support Jurgen he thanks you and prayers for the Lord to bless your lives for your contribution and sacrifice!

He writes:

lyman gracias por tu carta, no habia podido escribirte por que no tenia tu correo, quiero que sepas que todo va muy bien en mi mision estoy aprendiendo muchas cosas, y he podido sentir la compañia del santo espiritu en mi vida como nunca lo habia sentido, quiero agradecerte por tu apoyo y quiero que les des muchos saludos a tu familia de mi `parte, a tu esposa y tus hijas que les mando mucho besos y abrazos, los amo y gracias por todo

Lyman, Thanks for your letter, I haven’t been able to write because I don’t have your email. I want you to know that everything is going very well in the mission and I’m learning many things. And I have felt the companionship of the holy ghost in my life like I’ve never felt it before. I am grateful for your support and I want you to say hello to all your family from me, Say hi to your wife and children and I send hugs and kisses and love and thanks to all.


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