I just got an email from Janel Lyman (trent’s wife) about a friend of their family, Sam. We were at Trent and Janel’s baby blessing of Hanna a few weeks ago and had briefly heard that a good family friend (Sam) was in a serious snowboarding accident.
To date Sam is still in the hospital, paralyzed with a broken neck. He has a young son a few months old. Besides all the trials in their life they also don’t have medical insurance. To quote from Janel’s email,
“I know that you all cannot help out, but you can help out in a very big way….pray for him. I believe that the Lord preforms miracles everyday, and with a little faith from all of us we can all make a difference!”
Visit Sam’s website to read the latest details on Sam and his young family and to donate.
We will keep Sam and his family in our prayers as well!
We’ll pray for them too.