Happy Leap Day & Winter Airplanes

Mike and the Red BaronSince this day only comes around once every 4 years I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to post something and catch everyone up on the latest happenings in our little universe. It’s been a little while since the last post and plenty to share. A few funny moments (with kids funny moments are plentiful), updates on Maddie, and a quick peak at one of my hobbies!

In the last post Carrie mentioned the Fedex doorbell ditcher… A few weeks later, this was a about a week or so ago, Mya saw the UPS truck stop in front of the house and the UPS guy start for the door. Well she wasn’t going to have him get the best of her this time. So she wait by the door and then just before the UPS guy got to the door Continue reading “Happy Leap Day & Winter Airplanes”

FedEx doorbell ditcher

fedex guyOkay, now it is my turn to actually post something. I keep wanting to, but I’m not finding the time. I also have a tendency to need to write everything in a good, flowing format; and no grammatical errors. This stops me from simply writing my thoughts and not worrying about how it looks. I am working on this. Also, Mike and I typically discuss what we should put on the site and he does it. Anyway, I want to share a few funny stories concerning our children. I always love to hear about the funny things kids say and do.

Our doorbell rang the other day Continue reading “FedEx doorbell ditcher”

Bentons connected to the Mayflower and the Pilgrims

MayflowerHave you ever wanted to find a tie back to a famous relative? I always thought it would be cool to say I’m a descendant of someone famous.

Now here’s a little link to some Benton family fame. This information comes from Joan Benton Barber… (her father is Rueben Clark Benton, the brother of Robert Hugh Benton. Robert Hugh Benton is the father of Gordon Benton, my grandfather). Joan has provided me with the genealogy of the Benton family back to some of the passengers on the Mayflower and the first settlers in Plymouth. Some of these ancestors were also present at that famous 1621 Thanksgiving that we celebrate each year!

I have also heard that Paul Benton may also have this information connecting the Benton’s back to the Mayflower. It would be nice for us to get that information together and verified with what you have.

So here is the genealogy according to Joan.

Continue reading “Bentons connected to the Mayflower and the Pilgrims”

Snow, Colds, and Ward Choirs

The FluSo the last couple of weeks have been going well for our family. Carrie has been up and down with a cold… Call it the flu, bird flu, or in my opinion the need to get a new set of tonsils 😉 The winter cold is never any fun that is for sure. At the bottom of the post I’ve given some great pictures to show you what the weather is like!
Kennedy has picked up a little of what Carrie has had and it seems like she has a constant runny nose that has no end to the amount of gunk… ok sorry about the visual, I’ll stop there. I’m sure you get the point.

However, on the positive side of that Kennedy is so cute because she will walk up to Carrie or I and say “nose” which means that she wants a klennex to wipe her nose. Even in the middle of the night when she wakes up crying I’ll go into her room and she’ll say in the nicest little sleepy voice, “nose”. She does a half-way decent job of wiping her nose (at least for a 21 month old) but not to be fooled because if you leave a Kleenex box within her reach she will very efficiently use every single Kleenex in box.

Continue reading “Snow, Colds, and Ward Choirs”