Kennedy’s 2nd Birthday

Kennedy eating cake with dadApril 7, 2008… Happy Birthday Kennedy! That’s right, two years old and on top of the world! Kennedy is a wonderful girl and so happy and bright! She adds such a wonderful spirit to our family. Kennedy and Madie are especially good friends. They play so much together and help each other all the time… although there is the occasional WWF wrestling match (worth watching if you’re bored). I still remember when Carrie and I decided to have a 4th child so soon after Madie. I understand more clearly now the great blessing that Kennedy is to our family and to her sisters! How wise the Lord is and how grateful I am that we listened! Continue reading “Kennedy’s 2nd Birthday”

Kauai, Kauai, Kauai (Day 1)

Day 1 in KauaiCan I say anymore? There is a saying in kauai, “If you had a great time in Kauai, tell your friends you went to Maui”. Kauai is such a gorgeous place with so many great beaches and awesome hidden away utopias. However, Kauai is not as touristy as Oahu or Maui. We had such a great time. We experienced a lot, yet it was so leisurely. There were breathtaking views at every turn and the ocean was a clear blue and turquoise. Most of the vegetation there was introduced to the island, but most of it was for medicinal or food purposes. All of it is beautiful. The Hawaiian islands are so rich with history; we loved learning more about it and becoming connected with the people there. One other thing that was a bit odd at first and then just became normal was that there were chickens and roosters everywhere. The hurricane in 1992 released them and they just keep reproducing. There is no predator for them and frankly, I thought it was kind of cool. Although, we still didn’t want any roosters right by us.

Continue reading “Kauai, Kauai, Kauai (Day 1)”

Solar Energy a great solution to generating electricity

About a year ago I heard of a company called Citizenre which is launching a new idea to bring solar energy to the masses. I often read about how we have an energy crisis. The cost of electricity continues to rise. Coal, nuclear, and natural gas power generation are expensive and pollute the environment. So why doesn’t everyone have solar power on their house? It’s too expensive to do. Nobody is willing to spend $20 – $30k to get solar panels on their house that only produce some of the electricity! Citizenre solves that problem. This little graphic below from the Citizenre website explains it very clearly. I’ll explain in more detail as you read on…

Rethink Solar

Continue reading “Solar Energy a great solution to generating electricity”

Olivia is 5 years old

Olivia is 5 years oldToday is Olivia’s 5th birthday. If you get a chance leave a birthday message for her in the comments and we’ll make sure she gets the message. Included in this post are pictures of the birthday party on Saturday and some video as well!

Livy is such a wonderful girl! She enjoys life so much and is very happy and caring. She is always willing to help her sisters and loves to take care of them and play with them. Livy is enjoying going to preschool three days a week and loves the fact that Mya gets to come and get her from preschool since they both go to the same school!

Continue reading “Olivia is 5 years old”

Donate for Sam

Sam and his familyI just got an email from Janel Lyman (trent’s wife) about a friend of their family, Sam. We were at Trent and Janel’s baby blessing of Hanna a few weeks ago and had briefly heard that a good family friend (Sam) was in a serious snowboarding accident.

To date Sam is still in the hospital, paralyzed with a broken neck. He has a young son a few months old. Besides all the trials in their life they also don’t have medical insurance. To quote from Janel’s email,

“I know that you all cannot help out, but you can help out in a very big way….pray for him. I believe that the Lord preforms miracles everyday, and with a little faith from all of us we can all make a difference!”

Visit Sam’s website to read the latest details on Sam and his young family and to donate.

We will keep Sam and his family in our prayers as well!